Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Countdown

The countdown has begun. I am packing away luxury items like my tweezers, razors, (lightly!) padded bras, cute shoes, hair conditioner, checkbook, steamer, my iPod & workout clothes. I like the idea of living without these things for a while. Soon I will be handing over my cell phone and my pickup. I no longer have a "home"- I turned in my apartment keys on Tuesday....

I have been realizing how much I will miss Portland and all the fabulous people here. Spring is here and the trees are pollenating, making some miserable but they are still coming out of the woodwork as they always do when the sun finally stays out for the day. Springtime in Portland is like a drug- everyone gets uncontrollably euphoric.

I am mentally preparing myself for a simpler life. I won't be able to just pop over to Powell's to get that book I heard about or call up a friend to meet for brunch at the Stepping Stone or "run" to Target for Honey Bunches of Oats and frozen Weight Watchers lunches. I won't be able to dial some 1-800 number and speak to someone in India when I have a question about my account because for a month, I have no accounts! I will miss dinner on Tuesday nights. I will miss Trader Joe's. I will miss being able to call someone that I trust and love to give me their honest opinion, a hug, reassurance or encouragement.

Although I will miss all these things, I know I will have an incredible trip. I will develop new passions in Guatemala, things that I will miss when I get back home to Portland. I am lucky to have so many places I can go to in my mind to escape.

And although I dislike relying on technology, I will be so grateful for the internet.


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