Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday in Amsterdam

Rijksmuseum, VanGogh Museum, Museumplein.

I had the best warm waffle with ice cream, chocolate sauce and cherries. Mmmmmm. I think I had a dream about it last night. Later, Norbert and I went out to dinner near Albert Cuypmarkt, then we went to a bar with LOTS of different beers- Cafe Gollem. Yum. I had a Foreffe Blond. Blonds are more fun ya know?

I turned in my rental bike today and then took a canal tour boot, I mean BOAT. I am lucky that it is sunny and warmer now. People are outside everywhere- on the docks, on restaurant patios, standing in the sun on street corners. I had to get a Netherlands sim card for my phone today, so if you call or text me my new number until I leave Amsterdam is: (011) 31 6 28 27 5064, or in Holland: 06 28 27 5064.

I'm at the train station now, I am going to Lieden to visit my friend Joanna, who I met in Guatemala. She leaves for a ski trip tomorrow morning. I'm debating a day trip to Belgium from there... what do you think?


At 11:39 AM, March 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. if you have time, GO! I' m sure enjoying your visit over there........
Take care- Love you, grandma

At 10:18 AM, March 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole- Got your postcard today, an eerie picture. It sounds as though you will definitely go to Amsterdam-good. Yesterday I printed out all your blogs for this trip and gave them to your mom as her computer isn't working very good. Also, before that gave her the phone #'s you listed. We were in Amsterdam you know, we were at a spot (building I believe) were there was a line on a column or wall indicating sea level which was above our heads. Take care.
Love you............Grandma

At 5:16 PM, March 28, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicole- I just tried to call both of the numbers you gave and neither of them worked for me. Just wanted to see if I could reach you.
Love Grandma

At 1:18 AM, March 29, 2007, Blogger nicole said...

Oh! I changed my sim card yesterday because I was out of Amsterdam....try again! I am 8 hours AHEAD of you, so call when you get up in the morning until about 3pm Pacific time.... Mom called in the middle of the night! Try me again! I'd love to chat for a bit!


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