Coffee, Laundry & Cookies

Coffee & Speed
Lush farmland is not the only reason why Guatemalans drink so much coffee. I am convinced they drink it so much so try to keep 'regular.' Although I have not had any stomach problems relative to food, I am definitely not as healthy as I was! So much of the food here is fried and they use a friggin' ton of oil. The salads are all iceberg lettuce (which, if you don't know already has no nutritional value.)
There are no to go cups for coffee here. It's not like the streets of Portland where it seems like every other person has a Starbucks cup in their hand while walking down the street. I have seen a couple of to go cups, but they were obviously touristas.
Overall, people here are more laid back in general. Everyone on the street walks so slowly. At first I was very frustrated because I always seem to have somewhere to be- I always try to do too much. But I realized that I just need to slow down and go with the flow. It's ok to walk behind the elderly mother arm & arm with her daughter.
You'd think they would walk a bit faster from all that coffee they drink....
I did my first laundry run today. It weighed 6 pounds and it cost Q30 or about US $4.25. Since I started working out every morning, I have been taking my tank top into the shower with me and washing it along with myself. I only brought with me my college backpack and a small carry-on and that includes my teaching materials and toiletries. I am so proud that I can pack light!
I have already promised my carry-on bag to Armando, the guy who picked me up from the airport. He is such a sweet old man. He was asking me how much it cost and where I got it, etc. and he said that he was looking for one for his "football" equipment. I planned on leaving most of what I brought anyway and so far the things I have bought here are very small.
Cookies, Etc.
I found a great little cookie place near the park called Cookies, Etc. I got 3 cookies, a soda and a special pack of 2 cookies for Violeta (for Dia de Madre which is today) for Q17 or US$2.25. Amazing. This place is so cheap. What makes it even more amazing is that to Guatemalans, that is expensive. The economy here is so different.
The snickerdoodle was actually really good! Until my fabulous snickerdoodle, I have been pretty disappointed with the desserts here. They haven't seemed to quench my craving for sweets (I think) because they aren't as sweet as they are elsewhere. The chocolate is crap! Boooo!
Cafe Sky
I met some students from the school at a place called Cafe Sky after class. It is a rooftop bar and it is breathtaking. The views of Antigua and the surrounding mountains and volcanoes are so amazing from there. And it is only about a block and a half from my house. If all my photos turn out and my disposable camera doesn't get stolen, I will show you the photo of us. Muy bonito!
Hey!! Just wanted to let you know I look forward to reading your entry every day. You have made me laugh, cry and laugh some more. It really does sound beautiful and I can not wait to see the pictures and hear all about this amazing experience. Again, I know your dad is watching over you and that helps a little with the worrying. Just think before to long we will all be in Maine and having a great time there also. I can't wait.
Love you Lots
Aunt Lori
Thanks Aunt Lori!! I am so glad you are reading! I often wonder who is reading. Love you lots and see you soon.
All you have is a disposable camera? You are so 20th century.
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