Monday, April 09, 2007

The Universe in Tune

Does this ever happen to you? You are driving along one day, KINDA listening to the radio and you hear a familiar tune in between radio segments.... a VERY familiar tune- the tune that is in your CD player? I mean, not just the CD or the artist- THE EXACT SONG. This happened to me yesterday. I got so freaked out that I kept switching between the CD and the radio until the musical segment was over on the radio. I find that this type of thing happens to me fairly often. I don't know what it means, if anything, but I would like to think the universe is balanced or that I am some sort of universal trend-setter or something. That may be a bit far fetched I guess, but fun to ponder nonetheless.

Other times it has been something like: every car I would see had the right brake light out. Or when I mention a scene in or an old movie to someone and then the entire next week I hear it mentioned in numerous conversations (direct or adjacent conversations) or I hear about it on the radio or see something about it on the internet.... weird.


At 10:47 PM, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Nicole- not that exact same thing but similar, I wish I could recollect a circumstance but can't at this moment. Odd things do happen I guess. Gramma


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